2016年12月19日 星期一

Our school picnic!

It was our school picnic today. Did you enjoy the picnic? Did you have a great time? Share with us on the board below! Press "+" and add a new post on the wall! :-) Remember to write your name! You will have a happy face if you share something relevant on this wall!

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2016年12月16日 星期五


Congratulations! You all worked very hard on your dictation (6). 

2 of you got 100 marks. They are Koey and Cathy! Good girls! 

10 of you got 90-99 marks. 

3 of you got 88 marks. 

That means 15 out of 22 students in Class 5D had very good results! 

I was so surprised when I marked your dictation books. I felt really excited! I am sure you will get excellent results in your dictation exam. But don't forget everything at Christmas holiday! You still need to work very hard after you have fun at Christmas! :-D


2016年12月10日 星期六

Hi, everybody!

Hi, my lovely 5D students! This is Miss Hau. I have created a class blog for all of us. As time is always not enough in lessons and I always have a lot to say, I will share a lot of things  with you here. You can always check this blog and I will keep updating it! I will share my thoughts with you, upload something interesting here and give you some quizzes! Stay tune!


I am very happy that all of you worked super hard for your dict (5). Congratulations to Bosco and Cynthia as you got 100 marks! Also, lots of you have improved, especially Tom Li and Ada! Keep it up! You have also worked very hard on all of your pre-dictation. (Haha! I used present perfect tense!) I am so touched every time I mark your pre-dictation. :-) I am looking forward to your dict (6) on Wednesday! I know all of you won't let me down! :-)