2017年8月19日 星期六

Seeing you all soon!

Time flies! Summer holiday is coming to an end soon! (At least for me!) I have to go back to school next week. For all of you, don't forget to come back to school on 28th August-30th August! I am looking forward to seeing you! I hope everybody will be very hard-working at that time, just like what you did in P.5. :-) From 28th August, all of you will become
6D students! It's the last year of your primary school life, so let's be our best and cherish our time!

I found this video very useful for you. It's about the sound "th". Think about how you pronounce the words with the sound "th".  I have learnt these since P.3 and I practiced a lot when I was in primary school! I hope all of you will pronounce the words correctly.

Practice reading these words after you watch the video. :-) Read a lot of times!
thank you

2017年8月12日 星期六

Interesting English words

Hi, students! How are you? Do you enjoy your summer holiday? I do! Unfortunately time goes by very quickly. I have to go back to school very soon! 

Last time I gave you a quiz. Here are the answers. Are your answers all correct? ;')

1. Spain
2. China
3. Italy
4. South Africa
5. Japan
6. Germany
7. France
8. Canada
9. Brazil
10. USA

I saw some interesting, yet easily confusing English words on the Internet. Can you differentiate between them? Let me show them to you!

Cupcakes VS Muffins

Mouse VS Rat

Shrimp VS Prawn

Turtle VS Tortoise

 Pill VS Tablet

2017年8月7日 星期一

My holiday in Osaka!

Let me share some photos with you! I ate a lot of scrumptious food in Osaka. Food in Japan is really good, especially desserts! (although I don't like desserts that are too sweet.) Do you like Japanese food? If I dine out, Japanese food is always my first choice! :-)

I love pancakes a lot. These are pancakes with fruit and chocolate ice cream. Luckily, they were not too sweet! I tried to make pancakes at home as well! They are easy to make!

I had two crepes in Osaka! The crepe below was with vanilla ice cream and cornflakes. It was so delicious!

 Do you like eating ramen? I don't quite like the taste of ramen and the soup. The soup was too salty for me. I haven't tried any tasty ramen before. I like udon more. How about you?

 You may think that they are donuts, but they are not! We call these bagels. You know what? I like bagels very much! I usually have bagals with cheese for breakfast! Unfortunately, I didn't buy any bagels when I took the photo because I was not hungry at that time. :-P

I miss Japan already! 

Now I have a fun flag quiz for you! How many of them do you know? Test yourself and I will tell you the answers next time. Enjoy! :-)


2017年8月3日 星期四

It's August!

Hi, my lovely 5D students! (or should I say '6D students'? :-P)  Sorry for not updating this blog for a long time! I went to Osaka(Japan) in the last 9 days. I had a wonderful trip. Maybe I should share the photos with you here later! I ate a lot of delicious food! (I hope I am not getting fatter! Haha!) What about you? How is your summer holiday? Have you finished your holiday homework? Feel free to share with me! :-)

It's very late now. I am going to bed soon. Let me share the following three videos with you first. Remember to watch them ALL! They help you learn English. It only takes you
3 minutes to watch one video. Enjoy!

2017年7月17日 星期一

Summer holiday starts!

Your summer holiday has started since last Saturday. I wonder what you are going to do! I still have to go to work these 3 days. Poor me! My holiday will start on 20/7, but I will still update the blog to keep contact with all of you! :-)

Please share what you are going to do during the summer holiday by adding (+) a post! Remember to write your name so I know who you are! :-D

P.S. Cynthia, please ask your classmates to visit the class blog when you see my updates! Thank you so much!

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2017年7月8日 星期六

Watch these two videos!

You MUST watch these videos, my 5D students! The professor who taught English in these videos is MY teacher! He is Dr. Paul Sze. He is a very friendly teacher and I like him a lot! :)

These videos are very short and they are very useful for you to learn English pronunciation. Remember how I pronounce the word 'hamburger'? We pronounce the word as 'HAMburger' (but many of you always said 'hamBURger'!) :-S

Enjoy the videos now! :-)

2017年6月25日 星期日

Hi, students!

I haven't updated this blog for a long time! Sorry for that! In the coming summer holiday, I will upload this blog more often, so please check it if you have time! I hope the blog can help you learn English! :-)

We took some class photos last month. I have sent them to your e-class already. You can check the mailbox and download them! :-D

I've been very happy to teach you all this year. I saw that many of you have done better in this subject. Many of you made me proud. Most importantly, I can see that some of you really like English. That makes me really excited. Don't forget everything that we have learnt in this year. Continue working hard in Primary 6! We can even be better!! :-) :-D

Not all of you are in the photos. Hope we still have chances to take another photo next time!

Enjoy the song that we played in class! You may also listen to more English songs during the summer holiday. I will upload more songs here.

2017年3月5日 星期日

Good job, 5D!

Hi, students! You did so well in these two dictations. I am very excited to see that you are getting better and better.

For dictation (1), congratulations to Cecilia, Bill and Cathy! You got 100 marks! :-D
For dictation (2), congratulations to Bill and Cathy because you got 100 marks again! Bosco and Jacky also got 100 marks! Good boys!

Now, before we play a Kahoot game, I want you to try some activities below.

Activity 1: a quiz about pronouns (myself, yourself, my, your ...)

If you cannot see the quiz below, click the link here: https://goo.gl/forms/GGuKiIANaOgJoEW63

Activity 2: Write down what you could or could not do when you were four years old.

If you cannot see the wall below, click the link here: https://padlet.com/misshau06/fqvuh02qh38h

Made with Padlet

2017年2月9日 星期四

Welcome back!

Hi, boys and girls! I think you are reading my words in my English lessons. ;-) I am so happy to see that all of you are very smart and pay attention after the Chinese New Year holiday. I enjoy teaching Class 5D and I hope you also enjoy English lessons! 

Let's work hard in the coming months and good luck on Dict (1)! :-)

2017年1月30日 星期一

Unit 1: learn the words!

I have created some games for you to learn the new words in Unit 1!

Try them by yourself first and I will teach you these words in English lessons! :-)

Learn the words here first!

 Play the matching game!

 Try other games now!

2017年1月28日 星期六

Names of vegetables

I just saw this picture on the Internet. Now you can learn the name of the vegetables by yourself! :-)

2017年1月4日 星期三


Hi, my lovely students! I hope you will see this post after the exam. It's time for you to relax after the exam so I am going to share some comic strips with you this time! All of you know that Miss Hau likes Little Twin Stars. I also like Snoopy, too! (In fact, I like the friends of Snoopy's more, haha!) I always read the comic strips and they are funny. Read them when you are free!

2017年1月1日 星期日

Happy 2017!

Happy New Year! I hope all of you have had a wonderful Christmas holiday. I am going to see you on 3rd January. I am looking forward to seeing my lovely Class 5D! Have you done your revision yet? Is everybody working hard? I hope all of you will have an exciting year ahead! Work hard, then play hard! Try your best in your exam! STUDY HARD! ;-)

Do you have any new year wishes? Tell me by writing a comment! :-)