2017年3月5日 星期日

Good job, 5D!

Hi, students! You did so well in these two dictations. I am very excited to see that you are getting better and better.

For dictation (1), congratulations to Cecilia, Bill and Cathy! You got 100 marks! :-D
For dictation (2), congratulations to Bill and Cathy because you got 100 marks again! Bosco and Jacky also got 100 marks! Good boys!

Now, before we play a Kahoot game, I want you to try some activities below.

Activity 1: a quiz about pronouns (myself, yourself, my, your ...)

If you cannot see the quiz below, click the link here: https://goo.gl/forms/GGuKiIANaOgJoEW63

Activity 2: Write down what you could or could not do when you were four years old.

If you cannot see the wall below, click the link here: https://padlet.com/misshau06/fqvuh02qh38h

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